Thursday, September 10, 2015

Third Grade Leadership Lunch

Come join your child for lunch and learn about the leadership skills we are practicing in our classroom.  You are welcome to bring a lunch for you and your child or buy a sack lunch in the Stallion Cafe.  All classes will meet in their trailer classroom at 12:30-1:15.  We look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 25!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Image result for be proactive imageOur third grade classes have been learning how to BE PROACTIVE.  This means to take responsibility for our choices and behaviors.  We are learning how we can be in charge!  Throughout the month of September students will have one leadership lesson a week on ways to be proactive.  Part of being proactive is to stop and think before we act.  Our goal is to help students think about results before they decide what to do. Discussions at home could include taking care of themselves, taking care of their things, reacting or not reacting to others' behavior, planning ahead, and thinking about what the right thing to do is.